盐城市亭湖区中玻包装材料有限公司,主要从事国内、外销售,产品覆盖医药、食品用的玻璃包装器材及其辅助性配件,主要包含模制瓶、棕色瓶、日化瓶、蓝绿瓶及配套的盖子等。产品销往美国、澳大利亚、韩国、印度等近20个国家和地区。 公司产品通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和ISO1400环境管理体系认证。 ? Yancheng tinghu pharmaceutical packing CO.,Ltd, Mainly engaged in domestic and foreign sales, our products covers various containers used for mold vials, amber glass bottles, cosmetic bottles, blue and green bottles. Our products can be found in USA,Australia, Korea,India ect. All products passing both the IS19001 quality managenebt system ertificaton and the ISO14001 environment management authentication.